Let me begin with social workers are not nice people and they do not care about your children, your family, or even their family. They are addicts. They get a rush orf adrenaline whenever they get to play God, having control and power over other people. This also makes them narcissists. So the only way to make them play nice is to give them what they want while making them play by their own rules and regulations. They will secretly hate the feeling that they aren't actually in control but by the time they realize it they have already written the report with the recommendation to return your child and close the case. So how do you do that when all you want to do is meet them in a dark alley? Well, here is my experienced suggestion:
1. Stop denying the allegations. I know you are not guilty (hopefully) but that is not the point of any of this. They have to have something to FIX. They do not care about anything else. Give them what they want so you can get your children back. It is not about right and wrong, it is just about the county getting MONEY to fix your problem. Social workers do not really care if you are guilty or not. I will be brutally honest, they really don't. That is why they have attitudes because if they cared that your child was abused or neglected, and they really believed you had a problem they wouldn't need to be sneaky, they wouldn't need to lie, they wouldn't subject you to such a horrific experience. Social workers do not show COMPASSION, they have no problem RIPPING YOUR CHILDREN FROM YOUR ARMS AND PLACING THEM WITH STRANGERS WHO END UP REALLY ABUSING THEM! If social workers cared, they would do something about the abuse in foster care. They wouldn't delay your referrals for services on purpose by doing things like reassigning your case t another worker and then that new worker go on vacation, come back only to tell you you have to wait longer because they have not reviewed the file and to give them another week before they can give you any answers. Everyone clear on that issue? OK well denying you have a problem does nothing except give them nothing to fix. If they do not have anything to fix, they won't get the money for services so the only option left is the adoption incentive funds and you know what that means. This is about giving them what they want like when your child is literally kidnapped. Also, don't blame the other parent. Talk good about them if at all possible. (See #6 for more)
2. Tell the social workers you are grateful for their help
. They are egomaniacs so fluff their feathers, you get a lot more with sugar than salt. Tell them how thankful you are that they came into your life, how much your family is improving due to their intervention. I know someone who got their case closed really fast because they even said they wanted to become a social worker, actually took classes and applied for a job with tthem! Yes, I understand how difficult kissing their ass will be, trust me I have done it myself but it works! Your goal is to get your kids back and get the case closed. Afterwards you can sue them.
3. If you are having difficulty getting your services or any other problem, contact their supervisor, and if you still are not getting anywhere, their supervisor. go all the way to the top if necessary.
Follow up with letters to everyone in that chain of command. I said fluff their feathers, not let them get away with poor service. Think of social services as a service. You are the customer, be polite but be firm and write complaint letters, use their comment forms and suggestion boxes if they have any. But always be polite and complimentary in some way. If you want a good book to read go get a copy of "How to win friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnagie.
4. Say as little as possible!
Do NOT tell them you are having any problems at home with anyone else. Act like you can handle whatever they throw at you but be prepared for things coming from left field. Expect the worst but don't freak out about it. You can handle this, I believe in you.
5. Record everything.
Secretly if your stste is a one-party state. Here is a link to each state's rules regarding recording conversations. The easiest way is to set up cameras in your home for when they come to you. They sell pens that are hidden cameras. Find a shirt or blouse with a chest pocket and put it in there on record everytime you expect to encounter a social worker. But put a piece of electrical tape over any red recording light, or use a black permanent marker that works too if you give it several coats. Regardless of what they say about recording them, do it anyway. It isn't to be used against them in a court of law, it's to be used against them personally, to hold them accountable to their superiors for not adhering to their rules.Afterwards, you can use it to publicly embarrass them. They are civil servants, just like the police.
If the other parent is the abusive one
CPS will want to place the children with them.
Just letting you know that this is another indicator that they don't like you that much. Once this happens I have no idea how to overcome it other than maybe talking to the other parent and letting them close the case this way. They see you as the problem so get rid of the problem and they will close their case. You don't need to sign over your parental rights but you can agree to a custody order therough family court. This order can be changed later on.
7. If CPS has placed your child with family members who don't like you and whom you do not get along with, it's time to reconcile and do whatever it takes to convince them that CPS is no good and that they see your child as a commodity. Show them this site and the countless other sites that are evidencing corruption. Make a presentation of your own and include the evidence, if any, that the allegations are false. You may not suceed during the first conversation but give them things to think about and when CPS does something that isn't right in their face it will start to click. Make it a mission of yours, gradually, steadily, be consistent. If you have in-person visits, don't miss any and be on time. Whatever issue your family has with you, make it appear that you are working on it. I know this may be hard but its your best option. Again, you can let them have guardianship to get the case closed then they are no longer in the picture and you can handle it with your family. Again, I know this may be extremely difficult in some cases but you were close to your family at one time, forgive them, don't let your pride get in the way of achieving this goal. Don't let CPS know you are befriending your family and make sure they don't tell them either. Another goal of CPS's is to separate families because its part of the big agenda. The big agenda is population control and population reduction. Eugenics. Agenda 21, a.k.a. "sustainability".
8. The ideal situation is your children being placed with family members who are open to conversation. If your child has been placed with family members who are on your side, this is the ideal situation. You can either go along with the program or you can let your family have guardianship (no programs or services for them or you) or you can sign over your rights (on paper) and let your family adopt them. If you go with option number one, you can easily take your children home everynight because social workers don't get paid overtime to follow your family around. You are lucky they have enough time to take your phone call. They work from 8am-5pm so get your kids back to your family's house by 8am. You can take them home after 6. Having a garage to park in is ideal so neighbors can't tell on you.
A. Just wait for them to come back from vacation.
B. Call their supervisor and demand that she find a way to fulfill that promise. and if she gives you excuses call their supervisor. Keep going up that chain of commnd all the way to the Director if necessary.
C. Tell the foster caretaker you don't care that she wasn't told of vivistaion increase, and to let you see your child more.
A. Yes, first thing in the morning and hope they don't make a big deal about it.
B. Yes, and blame your significant other because you want to look like the better person.
C. No. Don't say a word to anyone and if your children are still at home make sure they are strictly instructed to not tell ANYONE about it. Discuss with your significant other the impotance of getting along because your priority is to get your case closed as soon as possible. Make a pact to do whatever it takes to be understanding to each other and to let things go. Nothing is more important than bringing your kids home and/or keeping your family together
A. Continue to deny their allegations and yell at them.
B. Realize that this approach is not making the situation any better. You remember what you learned here and start treating the social worker like the retard that they are and without admitting guilt, rephrase your words to make them appear cooperative meanwhile documenting everything and writing letters to their supervisor and your attorney to ensure you are prepared for court where you will put their behavior on blast and confront them in front of their peers
C. Go to the CPS office and yell at them in person..
Court proceedings are unfair and unjust because parents and children have no idea what laws, rules, and standards should be held by those involved. No one in that court is going to do things fair or just. They are going to make it sound and look good but they don't expect you to know better. Hold CPS and the court cohorts accountable to their own laws, policies, and rules. Be prepared before you go in there.
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