We have a very long story. It began in 2007 when my husband and I had our son, Donnelly Keaton Burns. He was planned, I consienciously took care of my health during my pregnancy.  We actually married after I got pregnant but that's only because I wanted to be in my 30's when I had the baby not 40. I was 5 months pregnant when we got married. It actually began my 6th month, his ex-wife was extremely jealous and despite significant abuse issues in her own home, she focused on our life. She called CPS and told them we had a meth lab at the house (ridiculous) and that their son was smoking pot in the house (which was true and I was all over him about it because it made me nauseaus to smell it.)  She also told CPS that my daughter had to "fend for herself" (my daughter was 13 at the time and she was very spoiled, she could make toast but that's about it so she would have been starving if she had to fined for herself and she wasn't starving lol.) Needless to say, the cops (well one cop) showed up at the door. I eagerly let him in so he could verify that it was a false report.   He concluded that there was no problem whatsoever. The house was spotless and there was no meth lab. He mentioned that the caller called CPS and to expect them at some point. They came 5 days later and I let them in, eager to show them that there was no problems. They wanted my husband and I to drug test but I told them that I test all the time when I go to the doctor and if there was a problem that the doctor would have addressed it. My husband refused as well. That was the end of that until I went into labor and the ex began calling the hospital and CPS. Found out later that she told them, "That baby will die if you let them take it home!" She was a nurse and knew the staff in labor and delivery. I was in labor for 4 days and went to the hospital several times during that time. They drug tested me each time and the results were negative.  They did tell me that I could take Tylenol PM to get some sleep despite the contractions so I did that although, it never really helped as my pain level was at 10 during contractions, they just weren't consistent and I wasn't dialated enough to stay at the hospital What I didn't know was that they were setting me up because Tylenol PM will come up on an initital screen for drugs (mot lab confirmed) for amphetamines and when they had the catheter in they took the urine and did the initial screen and guess what? Yeah, but it was never sent to the lab for confirmation. They tested the baby and he was negative for all substances. What's funny (not) was that the hospital gave me demerol as soon as they admitted me and allegedly that did not show up on this alleged drug test. It was all total bullshit. 

On this page you will find several different media explaining our story and provided evidence of how they kidnapped our son.

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