Learn what makes a social worker tick. If you are having problems communicating effectively with your social worker this class aims to give you insight that will help you overcome communication obstacles.
Knowing what is actually happening in court is crucial to the outcome of your case. This class will explain, in depth:
This class focuses on managing your case from a legal standpoint. Keeping your documents organized, the dependency timeline, when to make objections, how to appeal any decision the Judge makes, and pushing your attorney to provide you effective assistance of counsel.
All CPS cases have some kind of reunification plan that includes you and/or other parent completing certain classes, programs, counseling, and other misc. demands. We are familiar with juggling these hoops and offer insights and suggestions regarding these "services".
The most important part of your case is your family. Your children, your significant other, your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, etc. This class will explain how your family effects your case, how to communicate with them, and dispute resolution.
They are all on CPS's payroll. Theywant you to buy-in to their bias.
Juvenile Dependency is a tool used in the child welfare industry. It is intended to give the appearance of fair due process but it is far from that. It is a system full of Democrats, narcissists, pedifiles, and child trafficers. This system is well-maintained with sounds-good jargon such as "in the best intersts of the child", "reasonalbe efforts", "family-centered", "family engagement", "team decision meeting", "community-based", "early childhood intervention", "reunification", and "evidence-based practice". Reality is, no one gives a shit about your child, just the income they produce so don't let them fool you. Your child is a commodity. If they cared about children, 110,000 children wouldn't go missing from foster care each year, children would not be raped, tortured, neglected, and starved in foster care.
To further prove my point that CPS doesn't give two shits about children, when children are abused in foster care and CPS is made aware of it, they often do nothing. If, in a rare case, they move the child to another foster care home, they still do not investigate and these statistics are withheld from the public. The only proof is children dying. It is an utter outrage that they remove children merely for a parent allegedly using drugs, claiming that places the child in a "substantial risk" of harm. Not actually harmed but "at risk". On top of that, sometimes the accusations are not even true! The drug use is alleged, only "proven" by inadmissable mouth-swab tests that are not laboratory confirmed or simply falsified. CPS has been known to falsify lab records as well, I can prove that from my case. I have 3 inestigative reports you can read. The links are below.
So, are you fully comprehending the nature of this beast? Only a small few, in certain counties with certain players, who may be new and have a conscience or the media is on their ass at the moment, have actually "fought" and won their CPS case. RARELY does the court dismiss any case for any reason. And those rare few had a private attorny representing them and thart lawyer had respect from that "Judge" or something. CPS and the court system is completely rigged. The attorneys "submit" on the reports, rarely object to the perjury (well they never object to that), the falsified documents (maybe if they challenged them they would realize they are falsified if they don't already know), or object to the warrant-less siezure of the children. What good are they? What do they do? They don't prepare any documents so they don't have to file them with the clerk, they do not do ANY independent investigation, never challenge ANYTHING. At one of my hearings the minor's counsel, who was older and very experienced in this court, and sitting right next to the county's counsel, was writing down what the county's counsel should be saying during questioning of a witness. If that isn't a conflict of interest I don't know what is. I wish I would have thought about it back then, maybe I could have gotten a mistrial. Oh wait, what am I thinking? Haha.
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