So if you consider that not only do social workers get a paycheck, so do the lawyers, the "Judge" (who is hired by the Department, taking a leave of absence from his regular bench, be it criminal, family, probate or civil, gets paid for that leave of absence AND gets paid by CPS to rule in CPS' favor always), doctors, counselors, program service contractors, laboratories, therapists, drug rehabs, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Everyone is considered a "stakeholder" and they have "bought-in" to the whole system. They all work together to do whatever it takes to keep the money coming in.
CPS gets its funding from several sources and each year, they must remove more and more children in order to get more and more funding. Problem is the case workers cannot handle more cases so the service quality suffers. The county gets more money to adopt out children in the name of "permanency" so the incentives are there to do this very quickly. There are two concurrent plans for your child. One is reunification, the other is adoption. The whole time you are fighting for the return of your child, they are looking for someone to adopt them.
Key phrases that don't really mean anything but supposed to be the backbone of child welfare:
There is more than this, this is a sick kidnapping ring. They use "runaways" for perverted things. People up high in the government and the elite who believe that drinking the blood of a child scared out of their wits (adrenaline junkies) is the fountain of youth. Well, have you seen Madonna lately? Does she look her age? What about Beyonce? Yeah it's a club full of Hollywood stars too. This is what Epstien's Island and Bohemian Grove are all about. Sex with children is just a precurser. If you read former FBI Director, Ted Gunnerson's report, you will understand how aweful this issue is. The media, even half-truther, Fox, don't and won't expose it despite knowing about it. Nancy Schafer, former Georgia Senator, was murdered in her home just days before the release of a book that would have exposed this pediofilia ring. They murdered her husband too. Another Senator from Arizona was murdered for the same reason. When you expose these kinds of things you become a targeted individual. I am a TI and they follow me everywhere. Partly due to the fact that my son's adoptive father works for The Department of Homeland Security but otherwise due to this website and my Facebook posts. My husband and I have done and continue to do research and figure out what is really going on as soon as it happens because after some time the real information goes away. Like Sandy Hook, NO children died there.
That school was not even open, rthey had an active shooter DRILL there that day, it was a published even but now I cannot find any of the original photos, footage or other drill information but I swear to you, it was a false flag operation to get public support of gun control. So when you start digging and come to be aware of these kinds of things that involve children, it all boils down to perversion and CPS stealing children.
The following is an exceprt from the National Coilition for Child Protection ReformBack
CIVIL LIBERTIES WITHOUT EXCEPTION:NCCPR ’s Due Process Agenda for Children and Families
By Richard Wexler, NCCPR Executive DirectorAugust, 2008, Updated September, 2015, March, 2017, March 2021, January 2022, and May, 2022A
note about terminology: The agencies that investigate families and take away children typically are referred to as “child welfare” agencies or “child protective services.” We believe a more accurate term is “family police” so we use these terms interchangeably in the recommendations below.
Suppose, when he was attorney general, William Barr had proposed anti-terrorism legislation with the following provisions:Special anti-terrorism police could search any home without a warrant – and stripsearch any occupant — based solely on an anonymous telephone tip. Any occupant of the home could be detained for 24 hours to two weeks without so much as a hearing – and they’ll probably be detained far longer because, in the special anti-terrorism court set up by this legislation, all the judges are afraid to look soft on “terrorists.”At that first hearing the detainees may – or may not – get a lawyer just before the hearing begins, and they almost never get effective counsel.At almost every stage, the standard of proof is not “beyond a reasonable doubt” or even “clear and convincing” but merely “preponderance of the evidence,” the lowest standard in American jurisprudence, the same one used to determine which insurance company pays for a fender-bender. And in most states, all the hearings and all the records are secret.Had Barr proposed such legislation, it’s reasonable to expect that civil libertarians would have responded with fury.Yet this hypothetical anti-terrorism law already is the law governing the system we call “child welfare.” And sadly, many who in other circumstances are quick to defend civil liberties either stand silent or support it.Indeed, at a time when the racial bias of police forces is getting widespread attention, it’s urgent to understand that child protective services workers are also a police force. The family police, as they should properly be called, have even more power than the police in blue uniforms. A police officer can throw a Black child against a wall and frisk him. A family police (CPS) caseworker can march right into that child’s home, interrogate him, stripsearch him, and take him away from his family on the spot.The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform believes the only way truly to protect children is to demand civil liberties without exception. There can be no true child protection when a government agency is given virtually unchecked power, almost no accountability, and operates in secret. That is why enacting meaningful due process protections for families is even more important than improving the “services” they receive from child welfare agencies.
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